Writing Shana Tova Cards to Israeli Disabled Veterans
Sunday, September 15, 2024 • 12 Elul 5784
9:00 AM - 1:00 PMLeft Hand Social HallThe Ruth & Howard Bromberg z"l Chesed Day will take place on Sunday, September 15. All are welcome to stop by at Beit Halochem USA-Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans (FIDV) table in the Social Hall, while you wait to give blood, or volunteer at another chesed project and write a Shana Tova card to a disabled veteran.
Beit Halochem USA-Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans cares for 1,587 Israeli servicemen and women wounded in the line of duty who are now disabled (as of mid-August). At our state-of-the-art Beit Halochem (House of the Warriors) rehabilitation centers in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Beer Sheva we serve more than 52,522 disabled veterans and family members.
Since October 7th, the number of disabled soldiers increased by 9,866 -- 26% of them are coping with PTSD.
This year Beit Halochem's efforts have included 18,000 hospital visits to wounded soldiers; 3 call centers supporting calls from soldiers and their families; funding 18 delegations of soldiers who served in 'Swords of Iron' traveled aborad to share their stories in communities outside Israel; 453 classes and activities offered to Beit Halochem members; and more!
FIDV will provide cards illustrated by Disabled Veteran and Member of Beit Halochem.

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