Taanit Esther begins on Thursday, March 13th, at 5:50am and ends at 7:40pm. Click here to learn more.
Tefillah & Megillah Reading 5785 | 2025
Thursday, March 13th | Friday, March 14th
Purim Schedule
This year the Bayit is joining other tefillot in expanding the custom of reciting pesukei geulah (verses of redemption) aloud as a congregation during Megillat Esther. In addition to the four verses traditionaly read aloud, we will be reciting two more, verses 2:7 and 9:32, which introduce Esther and celebrate her long-lasting impact on the holiday of Purim. The megillah readers will pause before those two verses, as they do before each of the other four, to allow the Kahal to joyously recite them before they repeat them. For more information about this custom, please see Rav Steven's short analysis here. We look forward to raising our voices in expanding the narrative of redemption on Motzaei Shabbat and Sunday morning.
Laws & Customs of Purim 5785 | 2025
Questions? Please email Rabbanit Bracha: rabbanitbracha@thebayit.org
Mitzvot Purim
Join a Purim Seudah with fellow Bayit Members
This year, when Purim falls out on a Friday, there is an unusual way of fulfilling the mitzvah of Seudat Purim (festive Purim meal). It is called pores mapah u’mekadesh (literally, spread a cloth and make kiddush) and we are delighted to offer this option at the Bayit.
This year, when Purim falls out on a Friday, there is an unusual way of fulfilling the mitzvah of Seudat Purim (festive Purim meal). It is called pores mapah u’mekadesh (literally, spread a cloth and make kiddush) and we are delighted to offer this option at the Bayit.
Here's the format for this unique way of having the Purim meal:
Start the meal after davening Mincha
Daven Kabbalat Shabbat
Make Kiddush
Send Mishloach to fellow Bayit Members
We are encouraging all members to participate in the Bayit’s Purim campaign for Mishloach Manot. Please email richard@thebayit.org to receive link to registration forms.
Matanot L'evyonim
Fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanot L'evyonim, please go to thebayit.org/matanot.
Parshat Zachor
On Shabbat March 8th, there will be additional readings of Parshat Zachor after Musaf and 10 minutes
before Mincha.
before Mincha.
Machatzit Hashekel
Machatzit Hashekel will be available on Thursday, March 13th (Taanit Esther) and Friday,
March 14th (Purim day).
Rabbinic team members can collect personal Matanot L'Evyonim throughout Purim.
March 14th (Purim day).
Rabbinic team members can collect personal Matanot L'Evyonim throughout Purim.
Chesed Opportunities
Calling All Megillat Esther Readers!
The Bayit is offering in-person and Zoom options for hearing Megillat Esther on Purim. However there are still those who are homebound and cannot access Zoom easily. If you are able to read Megillah for others; if you or someone you know needs a home reading, please reach out to Rabbanit Bracha at rabbanitbracha@thebayit.org.
Mishloach Manot Matching!
We are continuing a beloved Bayit tradition to deliver Mishloach Manot packages to our friends and neighbors who are homebound and would appreciate some extra Purim cheer. If you would like to be matched with one or more recipients, please reach out to office@thebayit.org.
Youth Purim Celebrations
Purim Decorating • Sunday, March 2nd • 12:00pm-5:00pm
Come and make Purim decorations. Design a DIY sparkling mask, make one for yourself and one for friend. Please email yael@thebayit.org to join.
Purim Decorating • Sunday, March 9th • 12:00pm-5:00pm
Calling all children to help us decorate for Purim. Parents are invited to join their children. Please click here to sign up.
Youth Megillah Reading • Thursday, March 13th • 4:30pm
Calling all children to join us in costume for this special Megillah Reading.
Youth Purim Carnival • Friday, March 14th • 12:00pm-2:00pm
$22/child • $60/family • $18/children 3 and younger. Register @ thebayit.org/carnival.
Children with Sensory Sensitivities are invited to join us from 11:30pm - 12:00pm to enjoy rides without loud music and with fewer children.
Children with Sensory Sensitivities are invited to join us from 11:30pm - 12:00pm to enjoy rides without loud music and with fewer children.
Handing out Mishloach Manot • Wednesday, March 12th • 12:30pm
Spread Purim cheer with the HIR rabbinic team! They will be in costume on Johnson Ave. handing out
mishloach manot to Riverdale residents. Interested in volunteering with your children?
Email yael@thebayit.org to let us know.
mishloach manot to Riverdale residents. Interested in volunteering with your children?
Email yael@thebayit.org to let us know.
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785