The Bayit's Daf Yomi is taught by a team of member volunteers and meets both in person and via Zoom. Check our weekly bulletin for the updated schedule of times and who is teaching each day.
Thank you to Eli Oberstein, Rabbi David Schwartz, and Dov Weinstock for sharing the teaching load and allowing us to share these recordings with the community.
Daf Yomi classes are recorded Sunday - Friday, excepting Yom Tov. The recordings begin with Masekhet Shabbat Daf 21 (mid-chapter 2).
Thank you to Shani & Rabbi David Schwartz for sponsoring the creation of this video library.
Click the Masekhet below to access the recordings.
Seder Moed
Seder Nezikin
Seder Kodashim
Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785