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Prepare for the spiritual peak of the year with learning opportunities throughout Elul and Tishrei.
To watch recordings of last year's Cheshbon HaNefesh classes please click here.


Weekly Classes • In-person & Zoom unless otherwise noted

Classes will take place on: zoom.us/j/470341910.  Dial-in: +1 646 558 8656 followed by the Meeting ID: 470 341 910.

A 4-Part Mini-Series • Rabbanit Bracha  
Offered Mornings @ 11am In Person & Zoom and Evenings @ 8pm on Zoom Only
Morning Class: September 11, 18, 25 October 9
Evening Class: September 11, 19, 25 and October 9

The Book of Yonah | Perspectives from the 929 Project

Thursdays • Rav Steven • 10:00am • September 12, 19, 26 & October 10
Great High Holiday Sermons for Today | R Yehuda Amital, R Sharon Brous, R Norman Lamm, R Moshe Amiel
(Please note recordings of these classes will be made available.)  

Special Programs • Zoom Only

Programs will take place on Zoom only: zoom.us/j/6136133703.  Dial-in: +1 646 558 8656 followed by the Meeting ID: 613 613 3703.

Tuesday • September 24 • Rav Steven and Social Worker, Rabbi Adam Huttel • 8:00pm • Cries of the Shofar: A Pre-Rosh Hashana Bereavement Virtual Gathering

Sunday • September 29 • 8:00pm • Rabbinic Team (with new Rabbinic interns!) Round Robin: Journeying Together to 5785

Special Shabbat Learning (Titles TBA)

Shabbat | Before Musaf
September 7 • Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler • (Un)Intended Meanings: on Kavanah and lo-bekhavanah
September 14 • Rabbi Jeff Fox
September 21 • Rabbi Brad Hirschfield
September 28 • Rabbi Avi Weiss 

Shiurim | Between Mincha and Maariv
September 7 • Rabbi Shmuel Hain • Ir Miklat: a New/Ancient Teshuvah Paradigm 
September 14 • Sofia Freudenstein • Yarchei Kallah - A Model For Elul
September 21 • Dr. Shira Billet • Mehila: Rabbinic Philosophies of Forgiveness 
September 28 • Rabbi Yonah Berman • Looking Up and Looking In: Rosh Hashanah 5785

Shabbat • October 5 • Rav Steven • 5:50pm • Shabbat Shuva Derashah 
Motzaei Shabbat • October 5 • Rav Steven • 7:30pm • Havdalah and Shabbat Shuva Derashah encore 
Zoom only: zoom.us/j/6136133703.  Dial-in: +1 646 558 8656 followed by the Meeting ID: 613 613 3703 

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784