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Nametag Shabbat Kiddush

Saturday, January 6, 2024 25 Tevet 5784

11:30 AM - 12:30 PMSocial Hall

Parashat Shemot lists the names of 70 Jewish souls who came down to Egypt. In that spirit we celebrate Name Tag Shabbat - an opportunity to enjoy fun food and get to know new members of the Bayit community by name.

Come to tefillah where a volunteer will greet you with a smile and your nametag! Then join us downstairs for kiddush!

:point_right: Please consider joining as a co-sponsor for this special Celebration Kiddush.

:point_right: Non Members: If you are not yet a member and would like us to print a name tag for you please click here to request one by Wednesday morning, January 3rd, at 10am.

This year's Nametag Shabbat is dedicated in loving memory of Goldie Guttman z"l on the occasion of her 11th yahrzeit.

Our theme is Am Yisrael Chai: connecting us with the southern towns and Kibbutzim from Otef Azah (area right by Gaza) that were attacked on October 7th. Please pick the name of a town and, after tefillah, find your table downstairs at kiddush. Enjoy fun food and Israeli-themed icebreakers while learning more about these towns and kibbutzim. 

Each of these yishuvim (Re’im, Kerem Shalom, Zikim, Sderot, Kfar Azah, Be’eri, Nachal Oz, Cholit, and Nirim) are a vital part of the development of the Negev. Their vast agriculture work connects us to our land of Israel and strengthens the connection of Am Yisrael to Eretz Yisrael. It is our fervent hope that they will flourish and expand in peace and safety.







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Tell us if it is a birthday, anniversary, graduation, milestone achievement or other special occasion.

Other comments? (perhaps it's a special birthday? Is there something else you'd like to tell us?)

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784