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Healthcare Proxy Workshop with Bassie Taubes

Sunday, February 2, 2025 4 Shevat 5785

7:30 PM - 8:45 PMLower Level Beit Midrash

Fostering Intergenerational Conversation: A Workshop on Healthcare Proxies and End-of-life Care for Your Parents and for Yourself

Please join us on Motzaei Shabbat, February 2nd at 7:30pm for Part 1 of two workshops on End-of-Life. the first workshop will be lead by Bassie Taubes, Director of Community Outreach, Ematai

 Bassie Taubes is a nurse with over 30 years of clinical experience in oncology. She serves as the Director of Community Outreach for Ematai. Specializing in areas such as aging, end-of-life care, and organ donation, Bassie collaborates with rabbis, healthcare professionals, and ethicists. She conducts workshops across the tri-state area, participants to make values-based healthcare choices rooted in halacha and Jewish wisdom.

Ematai's mission is to empower Jewish individuals and families to navigate healthcare and end-of-life decisions with confidence, guided by Jewish values and halacha.

We are especially passionate about fostering Intergenerational conversations—encouraging adult children to speak openly with their parents, and parents with their adult children—about crucial topics like healthcare proxies and end-of-life care. These conversations can strengthen relationships, clarify preferences, and prevent misunderstandings during times of need later on. 

This program is designed for adults of all ages as these conversations are essential at every stage of life.

In person only. Please register below to receive the door access code.

Save-the-date: Part 2 in this series will take place on February 22nd.  Please join Rabbanit Bracha for a Spiritual Will Workshop over Zoom. More details TBA.


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We will try to address as many questions as possible during the workshop.
Thank you for considering a gift.   Any amount is welcome and appreciated.
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Sat, January 18 2025 18 Tevet 5785