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Bayit Connections

Monday, October 2, 2023 17 Tishrei 5784

2:00 PM - 4:00 PMSukkah (rain location Main Lobby)



Dear Friends,

Join Bayit Connections friends on Monday, October 2nd in the Bayit Sukkah for a shiur, discussion and snack with Rabbanit Bracha.
The shiur is titled: "Timing is Everything! What will we do with our time this year?"
Bring a friend; make a friend!  Suggested donation: $5.
Additional dates are: November 14th, and December 12th. 

Save the date for our second field trip on November 2nd or 9th. Click here to answer a 3-question survey about our next field trip by October 5th.

What is different about our friendship group - Bayit Connections?
We have created an opportunity to socialize, to explore interests, to meet friends and to form new friendships.  At our in person meetings we offer crafts, games (Mahjong, Scrabble, Bananagrams etc.), speakers, and programs designed to your interests. 

To learn more or for any questions please email bayitconnections@thebayit.org.

All are welcome!

Best Regards,

Bayit Connections Committee


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