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Chesed Day @ The Bayit

Sunday, September 20, 2015 7 Tishrei 5776

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


The 10 days of repentance (Aseret Yemei Teshuva) are a great time to do a Mitzvah: donate blood; donate clothing; take a bone marrow swab, or volunteer at one of three drives - all on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at the Bayit.


9:00am-3:00pm: HIR's 9/11 Fourteenth Anniversary Commemorative Blood Drive

Our area blood supply is in life-threatening crisis. Please honor 9/11 on this 14th anniversary as a national day of serve, charity and compassion by donating blood. The NY Blood Center is a proud partner of Magen David Adom so your blood donation is a double mitzvah!

Be healthy, ages 17-75 (16 with NYBC parental consent form) and have photo or signature ID.

Walk-ins heartily welcome but appointments will take precedence.

To reserve a time or volunteer contact:

Blood Drive Coordinator: Seryl Ritter

Email: SERMC@aol.com

Ph: 718-549-8152

Check out Seryl Ritter's article in the Jewish link.  Click here.


9:30am-12:30pm: HIR's Semi-Annual Clothing Drive

Please sort and separately bag men's, women's and children's clothing in sturdy garbage bags.

Deposit clothing in the truck that will be stationed outside the HIR. We are also collecting gently used sheets, blankets, quilts, and towels. Please bag those separately. Volunteers are needed.

To volunteer contact:

Clothing Drive Coordinators: Steven Pretsfelder or Barbara Gochberg

Email: spretsfelder@vanwagner.com

Ph: 718-601-3586


9:00am-2:00pm: Join the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Registry

Swab a Cheek, Save a Life! Have your cheek swabbed and join the Gift of Life Bone Marrow registry.

To volunteer or for questions contact:

Bone Marrow Drive Coordinator: James Lapin

Email: tent@hir.org





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