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Committee Fair and Kiddush

Saturday, February 1, 2025 3 Shevat 5785

11:30 AM - 12:30 PMSocial Hall

There are more ways than ever to volunteer at the Bayit.  Join us at kiddush on Shabbat Parshat Bo for a Committee Fair, to meet the organizers of various Bayit committees and find the right volunteer opportunity to match your passion. 

This kiddush is sponsored by the Bayit's Amudei Kiddush
Jennifer Pepper & Jed Bergman
Audrey & Jacob Cappell
Gillian Steinberg & Mark Davis
Judy Yudin Friedman & Charles Friedman
Daniella Kevelson Goldman & Ari Goldman
David Kanowitz
Ann & James Lapin
Chani & Steven Laufer
Jessica & Stu Loeser
Sally Mendelsohn & David Lowenfeld
Cecily & Eliezer Oberstein
Valerie Altmann & Daniel Perla
Judy & Gary Rosenblatt
Gail & Judah Schorr
Shani & David Schwartz
Bat Sheva Marcus & Elliot Schwartz
Shira Gordon & Phil Shaw
Ayelet & Jonathan Wiener

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Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785