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Shabbat Lunch w/Rabbi Sjimon den Hollander

Saturday, March 11, 2023 18 Adar 5783

12:00 PM - 2:30 PMLeft Hand Social Hall

Please join Beth Aharon & the Bayit on Shabbat Kit Tisa, March 11 as we welcome Rabbi Sjimon den Hollander to our community

Sjimon den Hollander was born in 1960 in the Netherlands where he lived until moving to New York City in 2000. He holds an MA in Arabic and Islamology from the Rijksuniversiteit of Leiden, a B.Ed. from Ichthus College Rotterdam, and has rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University. Sjimon teaches medieval Jewish literature at Hunter College and Jewish philosophy at Congregation Shearith Israel.
Rabbi den Hollander is active as the spiritual leader of several Jewish communities in Uganda and Indonesia and provides information on Judaism in Arabic and other languages through his websites (www.SjimonDenHollander.com and www.AlYahudiyya.com) and several YouTube channels such as (www.youtube.com/@Liturgy-and-Art and www.youtube.com/@AlYahudiyya).

Shabbat Schedule:

  • 12:15pm: Shabbat Lunch (paid/by reservation only): 
    Jewish-Muslim Dialogue: Historical and Contemporary Contexts
  • 5:35pm: Seuda Shlishit & Shiur
    A New Theory of the Doubling of Hebrew Consonants

Lunch Reservations: 
Pre-registration for lunch is required. Register by Thursday, March 9th at 5pm.
Cost: $108/family; $36/adult (age 18 and up); $18/child (ages 4-17)

ONLINE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! If you would like to join the meal, please email tsuri@gmail.com.






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Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785