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CANCELED: Post-Kiddush Talk - Together in Saving Lives

Saturday, August 10, 2024 6 Av 5784

12:00 PM - 1:00 PMMain Sanctuary

Due to the situation in Israel, this program has been canceled. 

Together in Saving Lives: Arab and Jewish Cooperation at Magen David Adom

Please join us on Shabbat Hazon - Parshat Devarim post-kiddush in the Main Sanctuary to hear two MDA paramedics - Ori Shacham, Director of MDA Jerusalem Region and Fadi Dekaidek, Head of MDA East Jerusalem, share their experiences volunteering in Israel’s National Emergency Medical Service MDA at a time of war and beyond.

Ori Shaham, Director of Jerusalem Region Magen David Adom
Ori began his career with MDA in the Lod MDA Emergency Medical Station as an EMT in 1988. A paramedic since 1991, he was the Lod Station chief paramedic from 1995 to 2003, and the deputy director of the MDA Lachish Region, including Ashdod, Ashkelon, Sderot, and the surrounding towns, from 2003 to 2007. He became the Director of the Jerusalem region for Magen David Adom in 2021. Ori earned a B.A. in health systems management, Ariel University and an M.A. in emergency medicine/disaster management,Ben-Gurion University.
In his current role, Ori manages the millions of dollars of medical vehicles, equipment, and supplies that MDA imports to Israel every year for use in treating ill and injured Israelis, including ambulances, Medicycles, high-tech equipment such as defibrillators and Lucas cardio-compression devices, and disposable supplies.
Since 2005, Ori has participated in several MDA missions outside of Israel at time's joining other medic teams around the world including: Sri Lanka (tsunami in the Indian Ocean), AMCROSS team in Haiti, Bulgarian Red Cross (terror attack on Israeli tourists), Red Cross (typhoon in Hayan), Nepal (earthquake), Istanbul (terror attack).

Fadi Dekaidek, Paramedic and MICU driver, Magen David Adom
Fadi Dekaidek has been a paramedic and supervisor with Magen David Adom for over 13 years, working with a team of volunteer EMTs and paramedics from East Jerusalem, where he was born and raised in an Arab Moslem family. Fadi speaks five languages and is married with four children.
His service dates to a meaningful moment in his family life. When his father had a heart attack and was treated by MDA EMTs, his father remarked that he would like to save lives like the medics, helping all people without regard to religion or ethnicity. Fadi went on to live out that vision, treating those injured in several terror attacks in East Jerusalem and recruiting local young people as MDA youth volunteers, among many other important roles. Known for his respect and sensitivity to other cultures, Fadi works closely with the diverse Jerusalem population, including the Jewish Ultra-Orthodox community. 

To dedicate this program in memory or in honor of a loved one please reach out to our Program Coordinator, Yael Manor-Oshinsky at yael@thebayit.org.

To learn more about MDA paramedics saving lives on October 7th, please watch this video.
(Courtesy of American Friends of Magen David Adom - AFMDA) 

The Bayit will be partnering once again with American Friends of Magen David Adom (AFMDA) at our September 15th Blood Drive to raise awareness of the important critical aid provided by MDA volunteers. If you would like to learn about the MDA's Overseas Volunteer Program (for 18-30 year olds), please email AFMDA Director of External & Partner Relations, Alison Gardy, at agardy@afmda.org or stop by at the Bayit’s Blood Drive to speak to volunteers who are in the program.


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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784