Shabbat Lunch w/Rabbi Moshe Tessone
Saturday, February 22, 2020 • 27 Shevat 5780
12:00 PM - 2:30 PMLeft Hand Social HallPlease join BETH AHARON & HIR on Shabbat Mevarchim-Sheqalim, FEB. 22nd, as we welcome rabbi MOSHE TESSONE to our community
Shabbat Schedule:
- Shacharit: 8:30am
- Drasha on Parashat Mishpatim-Sheqalim: Before Mussaf @ Beth Aharon
- Shabbat Lunch in Social Hall: 12:00pm. Pre-registration required.
- Lecture with Rabbi Moshe Tessone: 12:45pm
- Sephardim and Ashkenazim: How Similar are We? History, Halakha and Minhag
Lunch Reservations: SOLD OUT!
Pre-registration for Shabbat lunch is required.
Cost: $28/adult (15 and up), $14/child (ages 4-14)
For financial assistance email
- Mincha: 4:55pm
- Seuda Shlishit:
- Maqam BaParasha: The connection between Maqam, the Eastern melodic mode, and Torah Reading
Rabbi Moshe Tessone is Director of Sephardic Programs at Yeshiva University and a rabbinic faculty member at Yeshiva College and Stern College for Women, where he teaches Jewish Studies, which includes topics such as Halakha, Humash with commentaries and more. He is also a distinguished faculty member at the YU affiliated Belz School of Jewish Music where he is an instructor of Sephardic/Middle Eastern cantillation and liturgy.
Rabbi Tessone received his rabbinic ordination (semikha) from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchannan Theological Seminary. He is a graduate of New York University’s Stern School of Business and received his Master’s Degree in Jewish Education and Administration from Yeshiva University. Rabbi Tessone is a speaker of note in the general Sephardic Community at large and he has toured extensively throughout North America, South America, Europe and Israel as a rabbinic and motivational speaker on Torah related topics of Sephardic interest, Sephardic history, and Jewish education and as a cantorial concert soloist featuring Judeo Arabic and Judeo Spanish religious music and liturgy.
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