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Welcome to HIR - the Bayit. Bayit is the Hebrew word for "home" and we hope that you find a home inside our Bayit. This application is intended for those who are seeking a path to conversion and would like to apply to the Bayit's conversion course. The course covers the basic tenets and practice of Orthodox Judaism with guided self-study to deepen the practice.  We also discuss how to lead an Orthodox Jewish life and how to feel comfortable in Orthodox settings. This course is suited for people looking for a refresher in Jewish basic practices. To see if the course is for you, feel free to reach out to Rabbanit Bracha at rabbanitbracha@thebayit.org

The course is taught by Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe and meets weekly on Zoom in a warm environment that encourages participants to explore and ask questions.

Class participants can access the class recordings by clicking here.


To explore if this course is for you, please apply below:

Thank you for submitting this application. Rabbanit Bracha will be in touch with you about attending the class.


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785