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Graduation Celebration • Shabbat Bamidbar • May 31st, 2025

Filling out forms and making payments is easier, faster and more secure when you log in!

If you do not have an account please fill out as a visitor and you information will be securely transmitted.

What happens when you log in to your account on the Bayit website?
 1. Fields pre-fill with your name/address/phone # - saving you time!
 2. You can pay with an e-check. Safest and fastest (after the 1x setup) way to pay with no processing fee.
 3. You can use a securely saved credit card without re-entering your information each time.
 4. You can pay by applying any credit balance on your account, or make your pledge and “bill to account” if you prefer to send payment from a DAF or mail a check..

Our annual Graduation Celebration is one of the highlights of spring at the Bayit.  Celebrating the accomplishments of both children and adults from pre-School and Kindergarten all the way though Graduate School is a joyful experience. 

At the mid-point between university commencements and ceremonies for younger grads, we want to recognize all those who have a reason to celebrate.  Please fill out the form below and share a picture of the big day. We will recognize all the graduates with a special section in the May 30th bulletin.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785