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 פרשת נח

Parashat Noach

Dedication form - Click here to dedicate a Parasha!


Thank you to Hillel Smith for permission to use this image from his series, Parsha Posters. Learn more at www.parshaposters.com

Full Parasha 6:9-11:32 / פרשת נח ו:ט-יא:לב

First Aliyah 6:9-22 / ראשון ו:ט-כב

Second Aliyah 7:1-16 / שני ז:א-טז

Third Aliyah 7:17-8:14 / שלישי ז:יז-ח:יד

Fourth Aliyah 8:15-9:7 / רביעי ח:טו-ט:ז

Fifth Aliyah 9:8-17 / חמישי ט:ח-יז

Sixth Aliyah 9:18-10:32 / ששי ט:יח-י:לב

Seventh Aliyah 11:1-32 / שביעי יא:א-לב


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Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785