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Divrei Torah

Click here to access select Divrei Torah from past Shabbatot and Holiday derashot given by our Rabbinic Staff.

Parasha Recordings

Click here for recordings of the weekly Parasha and the Five Megillot by our Ba'al Korei, Bernie Horowtiz.

Female Clergy Responsa

Click here for teshuvot on women as clergy. Thank you to Yeshivat Maharat for collecting these materials.

Child Protection

The Bayit believes that we have a halachic, moral and spiritual imperative to protect children from abuse. To respond to this imperative, the Executive Committee of the Bayit created and tasked a Child Protection Committee to proactively create and implement a  safe environment for children within the Bayit community.  Please click here to learn more about the work of our Child Protection Committee and our current policies for Child Protection

Jewish Holidays

Click here to access information about the Chagim.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785