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Sukkot Schedule available here


Sukkot Holiday Laws and Customs available here.
Building a Sukkah Laws and Customs available here.
Four Species / Arbat Haminim - Pre-order at www.bneiakiva.org/mifal/ with promo code BANA5785 for $5 discount with pre-order.
Purchase at the Bayit:
Motzaei Shabbat, October 12:  9:30pm-11:00pm               •    Sunday, October 13:   9:00am-12:00pm | 6:00pm-8:00pm
Monday, October 14: 7:00am-9:30am | 6:00pm-8:00pm     •    Tuesday, October 15:  7:00am-9:30am    | 6:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday, October 16: 7:00am-9:30am
Communal Dinner in the Bayit Sukkah: Wednesday evening October 16th (1st night) following tefillah. Click here to register by Monday, October 13th.
Eating in the Sukkah: There are two Sukkot at the Bayit. On the terrace and in the driveway. Those that do not have a Sukkah of their own are welcome to bring food to eat at the Bayit. During Bayit events access to the terrace Sukkah may be limited, while the driveway Sukkah will be available for guests all the time. Please be mindful of the time if you see that people are waiting for a table.
Community Wide Sukkah Hop: Shabbat Chol Hamoed/October 19th,  3:30pm-6:00pm. Meet at The Riverdale Minyan (4545 Independence Ave). Running late? Meet up at Riverdale Jewish Center (3700 Independence Ave) at 3:45pm or at the Bayit @ 4:30pm.  Sponsored by the Youth Departments of the Bayit, RJC and TRM. No advance registration required. Questions? Contact Yali Szulanski, Youth Director yali@thebayit.org.
Simchat Beit Hashoevah: Sunday, October 20th, 5:30pm-7:15pm:  Join family and friends at this year’s festivities, as we welcome
our Kulanu Chaverim and celebrate Sukkot with the merriment of live music with Midlife Band, dancing, and sumptuous dairy dinner! Cost: $18/adult, $10/child, $50/family. Registration required by 10/16, please click here to register. This event is sponsored by Cochava & Ken Dubin and family in honor of the recent marriage in Israel of Gil Dubin and Leetal Shefet.
Golden Age & SAR Sukkah Celebration, Tuesday, October 22nd: Older members are invited to celebrate Sukkot with SAR students.  Learn together and enjoy lunch in the Sukkah. Cost $15/person.  Registration required by 10/21, please click here.
Hoshana Rabba Live!  Wednesday, October 23rd: Shacharit, 8:00am: Musical Hallel led by Rav Steven @ the Bayit Band will begin around 8:30am.  Children's instruments will be provided during Hallel. Arava beating around 11:15am. Light breakfast served following tefillah in the Bayit Sukkah. This event is dedicated in loving memory of Ron (Ronnie) Schechter z”l, ירחמיאל בן מאיר ולאה . His heart was always in his tefillah.
Thursday, October 24th, Shemini Atzeret Riverdale Community Gathering: Resilience | Unity | Hope 4:00pm-5:00pm, corner of Independence & 237th St.
Israeli Simchat Torah:  Details to follow
11th Annual Simchat Torah Teen Black Tie Bash: Simchat Torah, Thursday, October 24th, 8:30pm - 10:00pm.  All 7th to 12th graders welcome, registration required.  Sign up here.

Opportunities for Women to read Kohelet (Shabbat Shmini Atzeret) and Leyn (Simchat Torah)

Men and women are warmly invited to read a Perek from Megilat Kohelet on Shabbat after Tefillah (October 19th). Please reach out to Rabbanit Bracha at rabbanitbracha@thebayit.org to coordinate.

Women are warmly invited to read one or more Aliyot on Simchat Torah for other women (Friday, October 25th). Please reach out to Rabbanit Bracha at rabbanitbracha@thebayit.org to coordinate.

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785