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Learn with our Bayit Clergy on a range of topics from Chumash to Navi, Modern Commentators and beyond.

Weekly Parsha with Modern Commentators with Rav Steven 5785
Get a fresh look at one section of the Torah portion each week, and get to know some of the leading Torah teachers of our generation.
We will begin with R’ Amnon Bazak on Bereishit and continue with R’ Avital Hochstein | Shemot, R’ David Fohrman | Vayikra, and R’ Josh Feigelson | Bamidbar. Weekly essays in Hebrew (translated by R’ Steven as we go) or in English. Interspersed class discussion.
The Bernice & Arthur Schwartz z'l Memorial Tanach Class with Rav Steven 5785
A study of one chapter a week of Jeremiah, a great prophet who spoke God’s word, against all odds, of destruction and of hope. Text studied in English with literary, Hebrew language and thematic analysis and extensive class conversation.
Weekly Parsha with Modern Commentators with Rav Steven 5784
Get a fresh look at one section of the Torah portion each week, and get to know some of the leading Torah teachers of our generation.
We will begin with R’ Michal Tikochinsky on Bereshit. Subsequent chumashim will likely include R’ Shai Held | Shemot, Nechama Leibowitz | Vayikra, and R’ Elchanan Samet | Bamidbar. Weekly essays in Hebrew (translated by R’ Steven as we go) or in English. Interspersed class discussion. Please click here for playlist
Weekly Parsha with Modern Commentators with Rav Steven 5783
Get a fresh look at one section of the Torah portion each week, and get to know some of the leading Torah teachers of our generation.
We will begin with Rav Yaakov Medan on Bereishit. Subsequent chumashim will likely include Dr. Avivah Zornberg, Rav Shai Held, and
Rav Elchanan Samet.  Please click here for the playlist.
The Peshat of Derash & the Derash of Peshat: Rav Medan on Parashat Hashavuah with Rav Steven 5782
Rav Yaakov Medan, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Har Etzion, is an original thinker whose insights into Torah help us see things
we never saw before.  Journey through the Torah with Rav Steven, Rav Medan's literature, and the class.
Please click here for playlist.
Torat Ahavah with Rav Avi
Rav Avi leads a lively class and discussion on relevant topics from the parsha of the week using his upcoming
book, Torat Ahavah as a springboard.
Tapping Into Tehillim | Exploring the Depth and Meaning of Familiar Chapters of Psalms with Rabbanit Bracha (in English) 5785
When words fail us, we turn to Psalms. When we look for comfort, we turn to Psalms. When we praise God, we turn to Psalms. When we cry out to God, we turn to Psalms. In this course, we will take a closer look at familiar Psalms such as those we recite for each day of the week in our daily prayers, Psalms we have been reciting since October 7th, and other oft-read Psalms.
Parshat HaShavua | Reflections from the 929 Project with Rabbanit Bracha (in Hebrew) 5785
Each week we read and discuss one or more short pieces in Hebrew with insightful reflections on the weekly parashah. The articles are written by modern commentators on the online 929 project.
Haman the Wicked | Antisemitism is an Old Trope with Rabbanit Bracha 5784-5785
It's 2024 and we see the rise of antisemitism all around us in the media and sometimes even in person. Let's take a step back in time and study Megillat Esther through a new lens: Haman the Wicked | Antisemitism is an Old Trope. 
Please click here for playlist.
101 Unresolved Debates with Rabbanit Bracha 5784
Please join the conversation as we explore together Unresolved Debates as presented by the Israeli lecturer Rav Chaim Navon in his book "TEKU" (Unresolved Debates). Together we will review selected essays from "TEKU" translated into English.
Please click here for playlist.
Haftarah of the Week with Rabbanit Bracha 5783
In this class we explore together the themes of the Haftarah, including historical background and thoughtful takeaways. How many connections to the weekly Torah reading can we find?
Please click here for playlist.
Parashat Hashavuah "HaStatus HaYehudi": Sivan Rahav-Meir with Rabbanit Bracha (in Hebrew) 5784
Sivan Rahav-Meir is a popular Israeli journalist with a knack for connecting our weekly Torah portions with actual events happening in our modern lives. Together we read and discuss the short essays found in her book “HaStatus HaYehudi”.
Please click here for playlist.
Parashat Hashavuah "HaStatus HaYehudi": Sivan Rahav-Meir with Rabbanit Bracha (in Hebrew) 5783
Sivan Rahav-Meir is a popular Israeli journalist with a knack for connecting our weekly Torah portions with actual events happening in our modern lives.
Please click here for playlist.
Building Towards Sukkot 2022
Mishnah - Masechet Sukkah with the Rabbinic Team
• Introduction to Masechet Sukkah with Rav Steven • Perek One with Rav Ezra • Perek Two with Rav Steven • Perek Three
with Rav Ezra • Perek Four with Rabbanit Bracha • Hilchot Sukkah: Building and Living in a Sukkah with Rav Ezra


Miniseries with Bayit Clergy and Guest Teachers

Halacha Chabura Summer Series 2024: with Rav Dov Linzer
1.  Churban HaBayit - Lost Greatness an.or New Opportunities | 2. Fasting for Pregnant Women on Tisha B'Av | 3. Struggling with the Akeida. Classic and Contemporary Perspectives
The Laws of Tzedakah: with Rav Dov Linzer 
Halacha Chabura Summer Series 2023

Converting Babies: with Rabbi Jeff Fox
Halacha Chabura Summer Series 2023
Abortion in Halakha: The Status of the Fetus & the Status of the Mother with Rabbi Jeff Fox 
Learn with Rabbi Jeff from the pesukim in the Torah to the teshuvot of the 20th century.
Session One:   Unstable Controlling Texts -  listen here.         Session Five:   Maharat, Sema, Yaavetz - listen here.
Session Two:   Three Core Sugyot - listen here.                       Session Six:     Rav Moshe - listen here.
Session Three: Rashi, Rambam, Tosafot -  listen here.             Session Seven: Tzitz Eliezer -listen here.
Session Four:   Tosafot & Rav Moshe - listen here.                  Session Eight: Where Do We Go From Here?- listen here.
Thu, February 20 2025 22 Shevat 5785