Learn with our Bayit Clergy on a range of topics from Chumash to Navi, Modern Commentators and beyond.
Rav Steven: Weekly Parsha with Modern Commentators 5785
The Bernice & Arthur Schwartz z'l Memorial Tanach Class 5785
Rav Avi: Torat Ahava
Rabbanit Bracha: Tapping Into Tehillim | Exploring the Depth and Meaning of Familiar Chapters of Psalms (in English) 5785
Parshat HaShavua Reflections from the 929 Project (in Hebrew) 5785
Miniseries with Guest Teachers
Halacha Chabura Summer Series 2024: with Rav Dov Linzer
1. Churban HaBayit - Lost Greatness an.or New Opportunities | 2. Fasting for Pregnant Women on Tisha B'Av | 3. Struggling with the Akeida. Classic and Contemporary Perspectives
1. Churban HaBayit - Lost Greatness an.or New Opportunities | 2. Fasting for Pregnant Women on Tisha B'Av | 3. Struggling with the Akeida. Classic and Contemporary Perspectives
The Laws of Tzedakah: with Rav Dov Linzer
Halacha Chabura Summer Series 2023
Converting Babies: with Rabbi Jeff Fox
Halacha Chabura Summer Series 2023
Abortion in Halakha: The Status of the Fetus & the Status of the Mother with Rabbi Jeff Fox
Learn with Rabbi Jeff from the pesukim in the Torah to the teshuvot of the 20th century.
Session One: Unstable Controlling Texts - listen here. Session Five: Maharat, Sema, Yaavetz - listen here.
Session Two: Three Core Sugyot - listen here. Session Six: Rav Moshe - listen here.
Session Three: Rashi, Rambam, Tosafot - listen here. Session Seven: Tzitz Eliezer -listen here.
Session Four: Tosafot & Rav Moshe - listen here. Session Eight: Where Do We Go From Here?- listen here.
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785